3 Min Read

#srathome "One positive impact of Lockdown is that you have time to do yoga and indulge in home fitness which was not possible earlier due to lack of time," - Ar Chenthur Raaghav Naagendran, Co-founder, A+R Architects, Coimbatore. Armed with a Masters in Advanced Architecture At UPC-Spain, Ar Raaghav is also a TedEx speaker. With a keen interest in material, research and design computation, he has bagged many awards during his studies and further. #lockdowndiaries #surfacesreporter #srathome #haveahobby The series SR@HOME by SURFACES REPORTER is created to collect & share the favourite past time of architects and designers during lockdown. It is interesting for team SURFACES to discover various passions of designers & architects other than work and we have beautifully compiled them in the form of short videos in SR lockdown diaries under SR@HOME series. You can share your favourite pastime during lockdown with us at PRESS@SURFACESREPORTER.COM